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Sunday 9 October 2011

UTAR Kampar, Perak

I saw some posts on Facebook saying "You are not a photographer, you just possess an extra expensive professional camera". Well obviously not on my wall, just a post in general. So... I wondered to myself... this statement may be true to some extend... knowing that some people uses "Auto" mode on their professional camera. I said to myself... "How frickin hard can this thing be?" So I challenge myself (cause I'm just too bored...) to take pictures with a compact camera using "Manual" mode. An action which I don't normally do... but it was fun! I find "Manual" mode surprisingly OKAY! With the resources I have, UTAR. For those noobies (like me) out there, try it out! (Camera used: Canon IXUS 95)

UTAR Block A

Front view Block A


My favourite "Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets Toilet"(LOL)

Side view


The very romantic but HOT! (body-melting sun) dating area...

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